

Last Update:2023年3月6日

Recommendations for the preventon of recurrence of medical accidents

Number 15

Analysis of deaths related to “Erroneous Administration of Medicine”



Number 3

Analysis of deaths related to “Anaphylaxis caused by injections”


Analysis of deaths related to “Anaphylaxis caused by Injections”
Overview of Recommendations

Analysis of deaths related to “Anaphylaxis caused by Injections”Overview of Recommendations

Number 2

Analysis of deaths related to “Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism”

Analysis of deaths related to “Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism”


Preventive measures against pulmonary thromboembolism

Preventive measures against pulmonary thromboembolism


Number 1

Analysis of deaths related to the complications of “Central Venous Catheterization”

Analysis of deaths related to the complications of “Central Venous Catheterization”
